How to Find an Archive Product in LoMag Software

In order to find an archive product existed in the goods list of warehouse program, click on the item tab present at the top of the menu. Select the 'Find' option from the drop-down list. Or simply use 'CTRL+F' shortcut key.

After clicking on this option, the window of 'Find' will be opened in front of you.

Now check the box of 'Archive' button in the 'Find' window. This will open the list of goods, which are present under the archive option.

It should be noted that LoMag software use the search or find option as a collective parameters. So if you want to find any particular item, you must use additional filter parameter. This is fast and accurate way to find a specific item.

If you want to send any item from the archive window to the normal list of items, then click on the edit option after selecting the row of that particular item.

Uncheck the archive option box in the edited window. Save your settings by clicking on the save option.

As you can see from the picture below that 'Celeriac' item has been removed from the archive window.