In the LoMag software a situation may occur when the user has added a new product which already exists in the database but with a different name. The following instruction will show how to remove duplicates of goods and contractors, and what conditions must be taken to make this possible.
The following screenshot shows 4 items enteries of the same product - which is a potato.
For the instructional purposes, an invoice document was issued on which a item named Potatoes was placed having a amount of 10 kg.
To connect selected goods, select the first of the desired goods with the left mouse button, highlighting its parameters in blue. Then press and hold the CTRL key and select the second, third or fourth item by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
The second way to select the goods that you want to combine is to mark the first item in the list on the list with the left mouse button, then press and hold the Shift key to finally select the group of items that will be on the list with the left and last left mouse button from your keyboard. In the example below, we started from Potato and then ended at Potato Pun - it also marked the product named Startchy and Potato Chips.
The last method for selecting the goods that we want to combine is; pressing the left mouse button on the desired item and holding it, drag the cursor to the position where you want to finish the selection of the item. In the screenshot below, we chose the first item called Potato and then dragged the cursor to item 3, which has a name of Potato Puns.
With the marked goods named Potato and Potato Chips, you should use the 'Merge' button, it will display a new window in which we will be able to connect and merge duplicate goods.
The window responsible for combining the goods shows a list of goods to be combined. From the drop-down menu you should choose which of the goods is to remain in the goods list, the remaining goods in our case is the 'startchy' will be converted into documents for Potato. At the same time, the storage capacity of 'Potatoe' will increase by the number of 'Startchy' in stock. To confirm the combination of goods, use the Replace button.
In the goods directory, it can be noticed that there is no more goods named Potato, and the invoice document which we created at the beginning of the instruction was replaced by the name 'Potato'.
LoMag software does not allow to combine goods that:
The following screenshot shows the remaining 4 other goods from the list of items that would seem to be connectable. However, their parameters are mutually exclusive - according to the aforementioned restrictions of combining goods. In order to combine the goods, the appropriate parameters must be corrected.
In the case of an attempt to combine goods that do not meet the above-mentioned restrictions - the program will inform us in the message.
Connection of contractors is carried out in the same way as goods. The only difference is that the LoMag software informs us that after pressing the 'Yes' button documents will be changed - where the customer's name will be changed to the new value.