The LoMag software hosts its users to create either GIN(Goods Issued Notes) or non-GIN (Goods Issued Notes) during the preparation of invoice and receipt slips. In this tutorial, we will explain each method. Let's start with the first one;
For using the automatic generation of GIN document in LoMag software, click the program option and move towards the setting tool as shown below in the screenshot. You can also open setting option by simply using Ctrl+U shortcut from the keyboard.
After the window opens, click the invoice option present at the left side of the document window. Check the box for ''Automatic creation of GIN from receipts and invoice'' option. Now confirm the setting by hitting the OK button. All the details are shown in the picture below;
In order to ensure the automatic generation of GIN document, we will create a new invoice. At the top of the window, you will see New Invoice option. Click this option and a window will open as depicted in the picture. Complete all the contractor's details according to the previous manual. After completing the basic requirement in the document, add the new items in the invoice by clicking the add option.
Select the item from the drop-down option and enter the following details.
If the entered quantity is greater than the stock level of the product then software will immediately notify you. Moreover, you can also add a new product in the warehouse by clicking the edit option.
After successful addition of products save the document in the PDF format. After this, LoMag automatically creates a GIN document. In order to view this GIN document, move your cursor to Linkage button.
The linkage window will be opened and it shows users the prevailing connection between the invoice and GIN document. The established connection between these two documents can also be visualized through the double click of the mouse button.
The LoMag software also provides you second method to determine the connection between these two documents. For this, click the document option present at the top of the main menu and selects the second preference named as ''Goods Issued Notes''. A list of GIN documents will be opened, where user can automatically allocate its newly created document. In this window, you can also find the other information about the document such as date, number, value and remarks.
In order to issue the invoice without the involvement of GIN document, move your cursor to the program option and uncheck that box, which we did in the start of this tutorial.
Now, create a new invoice document and add products from the list of warehouse and specify the quantity of the project. Since the automatic generation of GIN document is already disabled, therefore, we can easily issue the invoice document without taking care of required quantity of goods in the warehouse.
Save your document either in the PDF format or by taking out its print. The final version of document can be checked by clicking the Link option. The window of visualization link opens and it can be noticed that there's no GIN document link with the existing invoice slip.
As the option of automatic generation of GIN document is disabled, so user must create its manual version. In order to perform this, click the Generate GIN button and confirms the setting by pressing the OK button as it is shown below;
If the current stock of goods is greater than the existing level, then LoMag will inform its users. As a result you can change the quantity of goods.