By default, LoMag has the most common document types available for use. The LoMag warehouse program also allows you to create a new type of document that is requested by the user. In the following instructions we will show you how to add a new document, which will be an Invoice for the Intra-Community delivery of goods. Attention! To add different currencies on the document, please use the instructions HERE.
To add a new document template, go to the software settings, by clicking the 'setting' icon in the main menu, or use the shortcut key [CTRL + U] or select the 'Settings' item from the drop-down menu of 'Program' tab. This will display a new window of LoMag settings.
On the left side of the settings window we have a visible list of the types of documents currently present in LoMag. By clicking the 'Create a new type' button a new window will open in which you can define a new document type.
In the invoice base type, specify the type of document our new document is associated with. Then enter the name and abbreviation for our invoice, and set a default VAT rate - which should be 0% for an ICS Invoice. After entering all parameters, use the OK button.
After completing the above operation, our new entry called ICS invoice will appear in the list of document types, for which we can configure its functionality on the right side of the window.
Since in the version of the LoMag warehouse program new options for configuring VAT rates have been added, which are then appropriately used in configuring the JPK file. In order to add it, click the items module and select the VAT rate option from the drop-down menu - which will allow us to display a new window with currently available rates in the LoMag software.
By using the 'Add' button you can add a new rate. The name must be unique - it means that it cannot be identical to any other existing on the list. You should also enter a description of the rate (which is only visible on the list of VAT rates) and the value that should be 0.00% for ICS documents. The last step is to determine the reason for choosing the zero rate for this document - selecting the option of delivery outside the country (which will be appropriately used when generating the JPK file).
By configuring the default VAT rate as shown in chapter number one, you will be able to choose the ICS rate (0%) - instead of 0%, the ICS value will appear instead - just like when someone issues non-taxable documents VAT or when it is released from this obligation.
To issue a newly added document type, click on the 'Documents' module and select "ICS Invoice" from the drop-down list. Performing this action will open a new window with a list of our "ICS Invoices".
Then use the 'Add' button to open the 'New Document' Wizard window.
To add a new item to the document, use the 'Add' button we know to display the window for adding the item. Choose the item you want from the drop-down list and set the price. It should be noted that the VAT rate is 0% - this is due to the fact that by adding a new document "ICS Invoice" we set a default rate of 0% for it, which is a more important setting for the program than the VAT rate for a given item (adding the item to the Samsung Monitor item list had a default VAT rate of 23%). Finally, use the OK button to add the item to the document.
In this way, we added goods with a 0% VAT rate to the document. Then, in a known way, add further items, save the document or print for the customer.
According to the legislator, the ICS invoice must have appropriate entries on the printed document - referred to in Article 97 (10) points 2 and 3 and these are:
To this end, it is necessary to modify the vendor's tax identification number and the customer's tax identification number to comply with the act. Below you will see how to add information on the document that a given invoice is of the ICS type. Detailed instructions on editing documents can be found HERE.
To start the template editor, use the 'template' button.
In order to add information about the ICS invoice, click on the left of the text value and then click on the document where you want to place it.
By clicking on the text field we have added (and it is highlighted with a red frame) you can complete the text. To do this, in the field configuration option on the left, fill in the value for the 'text' line, in our case we entered the value 'Intra-Community Supply of Goods'. This operation filled the text field on our document with the entered text value.
Clicking the 'Print preview' button will show us a window in which we will see a print preview of the document. The previously entered text field is visible where it was placed. It should also be noted that the tax identification number of the seller and the buyer has an appropriate country code - identifying the taxpayer.
Use the 'Templates' option to create a new item in the template list so that the user of LoMag software does not have to configure the ICS invoice information in the template editor every time. When the user has correctly configured his document template by adding the 'ICS' text box click the 'Save As' icon in the upper left window and from the expanded menu select 'Save As', which will open a new window called 'Template List'.
Enter the name of the new template - in our example "ICS invoices" was entered, and then confirm the decision by clicking the 'Save' button.
To set the default template for all newly created invoice documents for intra-Community delivery of goods, go to the LoMag program settings by clicking the 'Setting' icon in the main menu, and then select the "ICS invoice" document type on the left side of the window.
In the set print template field, select the template we created, called "ICS Invoices", and then confirm the changes with the OK button. This will cause that every time we create a new document for ICS invoices, its printout will be consistent with what we put in the template editor, which we saved as "ICS Invoices".