Importing and Updating Customer's Information

The LoMag warehouse program enables importing customers according to the criteria defined by the user. This is a particularly useful option when we start working with LoMag software and we have a large number of customers, suppliers or employees to enter. Thanks to the importer options, we can do it in one operation. Files recognized by the program must come from Microsoft Excel or with the extension '.csv'. An additional attribute is the update of data of existing customer's account - this is especially useful when, for example, we add a new dedicated column and we want to enter values for several users there, e.g. an additional customer's phone number.

1. Preparing the file for Import

In Excel, enter the heading for the columns like in the file below that contains row number, underlined in red. The closer the names to the names appearing in LoMag, the more likely they will be matched automatically to the appropriate columns during the import process. The user enters the column names in the file and decides what data he wants to import. If any cell in the file is empty for a given header, it means that no data will be imported for that specific parameter (in the screenshot below, contact persons will be entered only for two contractors).

2. Importing Accounts

In order to add new customers in the database, use the account tab and select 'import from Excel' option from the drop-down menu. This will display a new window in which to load the list by pressing the 'Upload list accounts from a Microsoft Excel' button and then select our previously prepared file (Excel or in the .csv extension), select it with the left mouse button (or double-click on it with the left button) and then press the enter key or open icon.

In the screenshot below you can see that after loading the file, the LoMag warehouse program recognized most of the columns correctly and assigned them automatically to those that appear in the LoMag warehouse application.

By clicking on the 'Do not import' text, a list will be expanded with the option of assigning the appropriate column. It is also available for all parameters, including dedicated fields for which data has been imported correctly.

The list has three specific columns:

They are used to define whether the imported accounts should belong to the groups described above. In the event that these columns are not added to the file to be imported, the account / s will automatically be assigned to all three possible groups with the value = yes. To exclude a account name from a given group, enter the value "no" for the appropriately assigned column.

Analyzing the file imported in this example, it should be stated that:

Pressing the 'Import accounts' button will start the import process. Finally, a window with information about the successful operation will be displayed to the LoMag user.

By opening the accounts tab and selecting the supplier, customer or employee option, we can see imported data. The first three columns on the left inform us about which column belongs to a particular account. The software used following assumptions that column C = Customer, S = Supplier and E = Employee.

3. Updating Accounts via Import

To change the data of any particular account during import, it is necessary to provide his correct name, only on this basis the imported line is matched to the respective account in the SQL database. In order to update a parameter, enter the appropriate column name and replace the value with a correct one, leaving an empty cell in the import file will delete the parameter for the selected account. Analyzing the file presented below, it should be expected that after correctly performed the account update operation, the contact person for Jack Connor will be removed, while for Oliver Jack and Harry Callum contact persons will be introduced with the names Daniel and Robert Joey, and for James Charlie, the contact person will be changed from Thomas Henry to Elizabeth. A customer named Jack Connor will also be assigned a new zip code 35-101.

After loading the Excel file in the LoMag, make sure that all columns are correctly assigned. By pressing the import accounts button, the update process of parameters will start, which is closely related to the account name.

At the end of the import, window will inform us about the status of the update.

By opening the list of customers in the accounts tab, the user may notice that the data that was entered in the file has been correctly updated in the LoMag warehouse software.