The LoMag warehouse program allows you to import lines with items onto a desired document and import documents from another warehouse or other SQL database. Files recognized by the program must have the extension .xls, .xlsx, .txt or .csv.
To import lines into a document, you must prepare an .xls file (or other extension recognized by the program) in which the name or bar code of the item you want to place on the document will be provided. When opening a new Invoice document, click the 'Import' icon to open the import wizard window.
The next step is to load the list of items from the Microsoft Excel file. After pressing 'Upload list of entries from Microsoft Excel' button, find the prepared file on your computer's hard disk and double click on it with the left mouse button, select it and press enter or by pressing the open button.
In order to import a file with a different extension than .xls, click on the drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the window - which is responsible for choosing what type of files should be displayed on the list. The screenshot below shows the change of the displayed files from .xls to .txt.
It is mandatory to provide the name or bar code for the item, if the user does not enter the quantity, the default value will be one. If no price is entered, the LoMag warehouse program will insert the price that is assigned to the item in the item list.
By expanding the menu for any of the columns - the user can check what parameters can be entered in the file to import data.
Pressing the 'import entries' button will start the operation of adding new items to the document. After its completion, the program will inform us about its status. Pressing the OK button will close the importer window and will switch to the document window for which the import was performed.
In order to import warehouse documents into the current warehouse from another warehouse, click on the documents tab and select the 'Import documents' option from the drop-down list. Performing this operation will display the importer wizard window. Where in the first step we select imported documents which is another warehouse from the current database and press the next button.
In the next step of the instruction, select the warehouse from which you want to import documents. Confirm decisions by clicking the next button.
In the last step of the importer wizard, select on the left the time range from which need to display the possible documents to be transferred (it is possible to select the entire year, quarter or specific month). You can also use a detailed filter to specify the exact dates of occurrence of documents. On the right, select the type of documents you want to transfer to our current warehouse, these will be offer documents in the instructions below.
The final stage is choosing from the list of available documents the items you want to move. You can do it one by one by clicking on specific check boxes, or select / deselect all from the keyboard. If you already have selected the document you want to transfer, click the import button.
After the operation is completed, the LoMag warehouse program will open a window with a list of imported documents. In the following case, the document got the number OF1 / 19 M1 because it is related to the numbering of documents in the current warehouse. By editing it, you can see that the date of issue is correct and applies to September 26, 2019.
LoMag software allows you to run several databases on the same computer. To do this, use the existing instructions for configuring a multi-base workstation on one computer located at this address. The next step is to run the application that uses the database called Company_1 and to import documents from the SQL database called Company_2. In order to import documents into the current database and the currently running warehouse, click on the documents tab and select the 'Import documents' option from the drop-down list. Performing this operation will display the importer wizard window. Where in the first step we choose the source of the imported documents which is another database and press the next button.
In the second step of the importer, enter data about the connection to the database from which the data will be imported. The name of the SQL server and instance should be left unchanged. In the database name field, enter the value entered when configuring the second database, COMPANY_2. The login data for the SQL database are by default user = sa and password = mAgAzyn_2008! ( NOTE: In the installations of the program before 2018 the password "warehouse2008" was used ). We can test the connection with the second base by pressing its button, which will cause a new window to appear after the successful completion. After correctly configuring the connection, press the next button.
The next step of the instruction is to choose the warehouse from which we want to import documents from the database named Company_2. Confirm decisions by clicking the next button.
In the last step of the importer wizard, select on the left the time range from which we are to display the possible documents to be transferred (it is possible to select the entire year, quarter or specific month). You can also use a detailed filter to specify the exact dates of occurrence of documents. On the right, select the type of documents you want to transfer to our current warehouse, these will offer documents in the instructions below.
The final stage is choosing from the list of available documents the items you want to move. You can do it one by one by clicking on specific check boxes, or select / deselect all using the two dedicated buttons. If you have already selected the document you want to transfer, click the import button.
After the operation is completed, the LoMag warehouse program will open a window with a list of imported documents. In the following case, the documents received the numbers: OF2 / 19 M1, OF3 / 19 M1 because it is related to the numbering of documents in the warehouse to which the documents were imported, and it was empty before importing so the ordinal number starts from the value one. By editing it you can see that the dates of issue i.e. October 3, 2019.
LoMag software allows you to import documents with .xls, .xlsx (Excel), .txt or .csv extensions. To do this, create a file in which the first line will be responsible for the name of the columns / parameters to which we want to assign individual values. Below is a prepared file in which you will want to import four documents. As you can see, one contractor has the street and city (additional columns can be added) - because in his case we want to add a new customer to the LoMag database (which did not exist before importing the documents). There is no price entered for the 64GB flash drive (document number 312312/6458) - in this case it will be set to what the product currently has in stock in the LoMag software.
The next step is to open the list of documents. LoMag warehouse software gives the possibility to import GRN, GIN, GRNC, GINC, Invoices etc. The following instructions will present import for issue documents from the warehouse.
Pressing the 'Import' button will launch the new Import Document Wizard window in which you should use the button to load a list of items from a Microsoft Excel file. Performing this operation will open the windows explorer in which you will find the previously prepared file for import and then load it into the program by double clicking on it with the left mouse button or by selecting it and pressing the OK button.
If the Excel columns are correctly matched to the LoMag columns. In the information provided by the software, we can read that if the number of pieces is not given, the default number will be one, and in the absence of a price - it will be taken from the item list. Pressing the import entries button will start the process of adding documents to the current warehouse.
In case when any of the items that exist on the document does not exist in the item list, the program will ask us what the user wants to do in this case. By selecting this option, the window for adding items will open, where you must fill in the basic parameters such as code, group, and initial price. We can also check that the program would repeat the same operation for each subsequent non-existent item (it would open the window for adding a new item or skipping for adding a item).
After completing the process of importing documents, the program will inform us in a new dialog about the results of the operation.
Four correctly imported documents appeared on the list of GRN documents. When editing the document in which the 64GB flash drive was imported without the price, it should be stated that the price was correctly determined based on the item list and amounts to $50.
When opening the accounts tab, select the suppliers, customers or employees option. On the newly opened list you can see the customer which we have added by importing documents, belonging to all three possible groups of contractors. When editing it, it should be stated that only the data that has been imported is the the name, street and city.
Another way to import documents into the LoMag warehouse program is to use the Invoices JPK file. This file must be generated in the standard XML format described on MF pages. Below is an example of such a file. The file fields contain data in accordance with the JPK scheme required by the Ministry of Finance - e.g. company name, invoice number, price, VAT rate, date and all other required invoice elements.
To import documents from JPK file, click the 'Documents' tab and then select 'Import invoices from JPK' option from the drop-down list. This will bring up a new window.
You should press the select file button and find our uniform control file on your computer's hard disk, and then loading it into the program by double clicking on it with the left mouse button, or by selecting it once and then pressing the open button.
After correctly done adding the file - you will be able to see its location on your computer. Pressing the next button will display the next step of the importer.
The loaded file will be presented in LoMag in the format of columns and the values assigned to them. We can move rows using the vertical slider, as well as check other parameters through using the horizontal slider. The list includes all information that is sent to the Tax Office by generating a JPK file. Pressing the import button will start the operation of moving documents to the LoMag SQL database.
A correctly performed import function will notify us with the message how many documents have been imported. In our example, the number of exported documents are four.
By pressing the OK button, the LoMag warehouse program will automatically open a list with imported documents. In the screenshot below we can see that the number of imported documents is successful.
In the imported file we have invoices and Corrective Invoices, this means that the sum of invoices and corrective invoices should be 4 pieces (if they were imported into an empty warehouse). To verify the correctness of import, open the list of these documents by clicking on the 'Invoices' along with 'Corrective invoices' buttons in the menu.