Monitoring Invoice Dates and Contractors' Payment

This manual will explain the user of the LoMag software to monitor the payment statuses for a invoice. LoMag warehouse program enables the users to set filters for outdated documents and to analyze partially paid or overpaid invoices.

1. Searching Documents by Status

To view a list of invoice documents, use the 'Documents' module and select Invoices from the drop-down list. This operation will open a window with a list of documents that we have in the LoMag database.

In the list of invoices, all the documents having a status of paid and unpaid are listed. See figure below

In order to view only paid invoices, click on the drop-down list of Status option and select paid.

This will show you the list of paid invoices available in the LoMag software.

1.1 Searching for Expired Unpaid Documents

In order to view the unpaid documents having expired deadlines, user needs additional configuration of filters. Click on the filter icon present at the bottom of the screen and select the Add/Edit option from the drop-down list. Choose the 'Payment deadline' option.

In the second column of the window, select the 'Days passed' and enter the value '1'. These settings will enable the software to choose only those invoices for which deadline has exceeded equal by one day. Confirm user settings and press the OK button.

The selected operation filtered out all invoices for which the payment date exceeded by one day. In order to search for unpaid documents, select the unpaid option from the dropdown menu of the Status selector.

2. Saving Filters

The LoMag warehouse program allows you to save filters so that you do not have to configure them each time. To do this, in the bottom menu, click on the pink icon and select the Save filters option from the drop down list. This will open a new window in which we can save the existing filter - to do so, enter the name and confirm the decision with the Save button.

In order to use the newly added filter. Open the invoice window, use the filter icon and select the save filters (Payment deadline and status) from the list. This will filter-out documents for which have passed even one day after the due date of the invoices.

3. Setting of Alarms for Overdue Invoices

Another way to control payments in the LoMag software is to use 'Alarms'. To add a alarm, click on the double bulb icon at the bottom of the window, this will open the alarm configuration window.

In order to add an alarm for unpaid documents, select the 'Add' button and then choose the 'Payment Deadline' option from the drop-down list.

Now enter the details as shown by screenshot below. Click the OK button and confirm the alarm settings.

The alarm setting will highlight the documents with the red colour for which the due date has expired at least 60 days ago. In addition, the window has been configured to display only documents with unpaid status. Select the appropriate item in the window menu in order to check further details.

4. Payment Statuses

If you don't want to use filter and alarm tools, then LoMag also provides third method, Payment Statuses. This helps the user to filter-out the invoices according to payment options. We have already discussed this method in our previous manuals.