The LoMag warehouse program allows addition of document templates information where the invoice is to be paid in either full or part of its value has already been paid by the customer. Partial payment of an invoice may consist of a single payment or several payments.
The customer bought the goods for USD 930 and paid USD 300 in cash on the day of the transaction. And the remaining amount was determined to be repaid by bank transfer within 14 days.
Select the invoice from the menu and add the items in it. Choose the date and customer's name in the invoice window. In order to enter the advance payment paid by the customer into LoMag software, press the 'Payment' button which will display the payment window.
In the amount field, enter USD 300 - i.e. the advance payment which the customer paid in cash on the day of purchase / issue of the document. You can edit and change the document number and date. By using the 'Print KP' button, you can print a confirmation of the advance payment. The 'Save as PDF' button will generate a PDF file which you can send to the customer in soft form. Pressing the 'save' button confirms the advance payment amount paid by the customer into the system.
After saving the new payment on the list of documents, the invoice will have partially paid status - also by editing this document you can notice that the status on the document has been changed.
It should be assumed that after 4 days the customer made a transfer for the amount of USD 251 - which causes the need to post another advance payment - for this purpose we use the documents module and select the 'cash receipt' option from the drop-down menu - this will display a new window in the LoMag software with a list of booked cash receipts, on which we can notice the customer's payment ('CR1 / 19 - M1') of USD 300.00 for invoice with the number 'VI1 / 19 - M1'.
By pressing the 'Add' button a window will appear in which you can find the document for which we want to post a new payment. After finding it on the list, double click on it with the left mouse button.
You must complete (or leave the default data generated) for fields such as document number and payment date. The payment amount was automatically determined by the LoMag program on the expected payment value, i.e. USD 627 (all sold goods was $ 927.00 minus $ 300.00 which he paid in cash on the day of purchase). Change the payment amount to $ 251.00 and press save (or print / generate confirmation for the customer). This operation should reduce the client's expected final payment for the goods for $627.00.
Detailed payment instructions can be found here.
In order to place information on the document how much has been paid in previous advances, and what amount the customer has to pay, open the template editor.
Delete the fields: total due options - by clicking on them with the left mouse button and then pressing the delete button from the keyboard or pressing the right mouse button and select delete option from the newly displayed menu.
The next step is placing text boxes on the template containing displayed text information about the LoMag user how much money has already been paid and how much is left to be paid.
Now variables should be assigned to newly added fields (columns containing appropriate values) by finding them on the left side of the template and placing in appropriate places on the template.
In order to use the configured template many times - the LoMag user must save it. Clicking on the 'Template' icon which will open a new menu where you can select the 'Save as' option. It will display a new window in which you must enter the name for the newly configured template that will be selected by the user in the future. By pressing the save button, it will be added to the template list.
Detailed instructions on how to configure the templates can be found here.
After saving the required template you will be able to choose the template from the drop-down list. For this, select the name of the template in the print-out option.
Save the document as .pdf or printing through their appropiate buttons. You can notice that the new document has newly added fields and they contain information about paid payment, remaining payment required to complete transaction correctly.