Support for Serial Numbers: Entering Serial Numbers for Goods

The LoMag warehouse program allows you to enter unique serial numbers for items. These are unique codes consisting of numbers or letters, assigned to goods or a series of goods for identification purpose, for example, the place of manufacture or establishing the legality.

To start entering serial numbers, display the LoMag settings window by clicking on the settings icon or select the setting option from the drop-down menu of the prgram tab. Move your cursor to the 'Items' tab and mark the 'Support for serial numbers' option. After marking the option, the disable option of 'Uniqueness of serial number' will becomes editable. Now there are two options; 'Global' and 'For item'. First we select the Global option and selecting this option will be slightly different from the item option. Confirm the settings by clicking on the OK button.

1. Adding a New Item with a Support for Serial Numbers

To add a new item in the warehouse, go to the items tab and select the item list from the drop-down menu, or use the CTRL + T keyboard shortcut. This will display the list of items available in the warehouse.

In order to add a new item with the serial number, click on the 'Add' button. After performing this operation, the user will be presented with a new window in which he will be able to complete the parameters for the item.

Enter all the parameters for the Samsung Galaxy S6. Define its Net or Gross price and other parameters.

After defining all the parameters, click on the 'save' option. Ths will open a new dialog box in front of user's screen with the possibility to enter serial numbers for the item. It is possible to omit the introduction of S/N. To do this, press the "Skip input S / N" button, the item will then be added to the warehouse without this parameter.

To enter the serial number for the item, enter its value in the field, and then use the button, which will add it to the list. In order to remove the item from the list, select it and in the bottom of the window press the delete button. The window will be responsible for the S/N support also shows how many serial numbers we have to enter. It is the difference between the amount of goods added to the warehouse and currently entered serial numbers in the list.

After entering all the necessary serial numbers correctly into the list, the information about 'how many of them should be entered' will disappear, and the icon in the upper left corner will change the symbol from red 'cross' mark to the green "tick". Pressing the OK button will save the item in the warehouse with all the serial numbers entered.

In order to check whether our newly introduced product has correctly added N/S, please edit it twice by clicking on it with the left mouse button or by marking it on the list and then using the 'Edit' tool.

In the edit window, click on the S/N icon present at the bottom of the screen.

A new window will be displayed where you can view the serial numbers for a given product along with information of serial number and the date of respective serial number.

2. Receipt of Goods with N/S Support

To start the 'New Goods Received Note' wizard, open it from the main menu. It will display a new window of the document for the acceptance to the magazine. The next step is adding a new item to the document. To do this, use the Add icon.

In the window for adding a new item, we select the previously introduced goods, Samsung Galaxy S6, we complete its amount of receipt into the warehouse and price and then confirm by pressing OK to add it to the warehouse. This will display a new window responsible for entering serial numbers for a given product, the functionality of which has been described in the above instructions.

In the above example, we introduced three new serial numbers with the codes: Series 1, Series 2, Series 3. If you want to check the GRN and its serial numbers for a given item. Open the list item, and select the Samsung Galaxy S6, edit it. In the new edit window you can see serial numbers of our goods at the moment of adding it to the stock level (OB) and subsequent S/N values after generating the GRN document.

3. Entering Serial Numbers for Existing Goods in Stock that do not have S/N

If the previous goods/items do not contain any S/N, than there's no possibility to define in future. LoMag warehouse program enables the two methods for handling such goods;

  1. Removal of all GRN documents and items from the OB for the selected goods.
  2. Marking the goods as archives in the goods edition and adding a new product with the same name with the S/N service.

In the example below, we will use a item called Nokia 3310, which was entered into the opening balance with the S/N option turned off, and then a GRN document was issued for it.

Previous stories and warehouse movements can be displayed by clicking on the 'History' icon , where we can get accurate information about issued warehouse documents for the selected product.

You must delete all GRN documents only if they contain only one item on it. In the case when there are several items on the document, edit the document by double-clicking it and removing the item from the list by marking it on the list and then clicking the 'Delete' button . After the operations have been carried out, save the document with the 'Save and Close' button.

This will delete the Nokia 3310 from the GRN document in the history window. In order to get rid of the item from OB, double-click the document with the left mouse button. The user of the LoMag software will display a window with the option of editing the opening balance. You should find the desired item on the list, mark it and then delete it using the 'Delete' button . The last step is to save the document using the 'Save and Close' button.

In the above-described way, we will completely get rid of the Nokia 3310 item from the warehouse. With serial number support enabled, add Nokia 3310 goods as described above using S/N numbers.

The second way is to set up a product that does not have serial numbers as archival. Choosing this option will cause that the user does not have to delete old documents in which the given item exists - and so he has the possibility of previewing his past warehouse movements all the time. This operation is recommended when, for example, we sold out all the goods in which we did not enter the serial number, and we want to use the new batch and each subsequent one with S / N. In the item edition, check the box Archived Goods (not used) and save the changes.

The goods will no longer be visible in the goods list, but will be visible on all documents in which it was added (also in OB). The final step is to repeat the first step that is adding a new item in the warehouse using settings with serial numbers.

4. Difference between Global and Unique Serial Number

By choosing the options of a unique global S/N, once entered code in the goods, it can not be repeated again in any other. In the heading 2, we introduced the Samsung Galaxy S6 phone with the GRN document, where the value of one of the serial numbers was "Series 1". We will try to add a new product which will be Monitor Samsung, for which we also declare the same S/N value, or Series 1. To do this, select the item directory in the way you already know and click the Add button to display a new window. Then fill out the basic parameters for the item and click the Save button, which will display the window responsible for the serial numbers. As before, we add the value "Series 1" to the list and confirm the desire to save the product with the given serial number by clicking the OK button.

The product will be added to the warehouse, but it will not be allocated S/N due to the already existing serial number 'Series 1' in the database, and the program will inform us in the message.

Having the option of handling serial numbers for a given item enables the user to enter the same serial number many times, with the exception that it can not be repeated within the same product. To sum up, the customer has the possibility to enter S/N named 'Series 1' for example goods named Samsung Galaxy S6, Monitor Samsung 17 or Nokia 3310. In case he would like to double-add S/N service called 'Series 1' for Nokia 3310, then the program will show a message that such a serial code already exists for a given product.