Order Statuses and Configuration of Additional Columns

The following instruction manual describes how to navigate the order document, whose actions can trigger the individual statuses and configure new ones. In addition, it will describe the addition of additional columns that are essential for the effective management of the warehouse.

1. Status of Orders

In order to perform status changes in the LoMag program; click the new order document option present at the top of the main menu. This will open the document window of 'New document: order from customer' in front of user screen.

In the new window use the status icon, it will open the window that is responsible for managing the statuses.

The LoMag user can manage the list of statuses using the menu at the top of the window - including adding, editing or removing statuses. In the default program settings, the list consists of five statuses as shown in the screenshot below. Specific statuses are assigned to actions that trigger them, e.g. by completing an order execution in 100%, the status of the document will be changed and mark as completed/delivered or sent. A more detailed presentation of the change of statuses in the document will be described in the subsequent steps of this manual.

To add a new status, use the 'Add' button. It will display a new window in which you can configure it.

Enter the name of the status, in our example, it will be 'on production' and select the action that should trigger the status. For our example, we used the option based on the internal goods received the order. LoMag software also provides the ability to add a status without a trigger action. For this purpose, select the first option from the list i.e. none. After configuration, press the OK button to add a new status in the list.

2. Configuring Additional Columns

In order to display ‘additional columns’ in the order document from the recipient, click on the settings icon present at the bottom of the window. This will display a window responsible for the column settings.

On the left side of the window hidden columns are displayed, where we can move them to the right column (visible). This is done by double-clicking on a specific name or uses the left mouse button and then selects the desired position after this use the forward button to transfer it to the right side. In the following example, we have moved the 'To do', 'Done' and 'Ordered' columns on the right side of the window. After doing this, accept the changes by pressing the OK button.

After completing the previous step, you will notice that the list of columns will be updated. Their position in the table will depend on where they were placed in the column settings window.

3. Analysis of Status Changes

By opening a new order document from the user, you can see that the status is Open - this is the default setting for the new document.

By using the 'Add' button, add the goods that we want to load in the document. In our example, it will be Samsung Galaxy S6 having an amount of 3 pieces. After entering all values, confirm them by clicking OK.

Now in the document, we can notice a change in status to the Accepted value - which is caused by the trigger action for the order realized in 0%. In the list of goods, we can see that we have completed 0 pieces in the 'Done' column. Three ordered pieces are present in the 'To do' and 'Ordered' column.

To spend goods, you can use the create icon and select the 'GIN with zero quantities' option from the drop-down menu. This will open GIN document window in front of the user screen.

On the issue document from the warehouse, enter the quantity of the product being issued. To do this, use the 'Edit' button or double-click with the left mouse button on the selected item. This will open a new edit window.

Enter the quantity of 1 piece in Samsung Galaxy S6 edit window, and then confirm the settings by pressing the OK button.

In the order document window from the customer, it should be noted that the status of the document has been changed to partially sent. In the added columns from the second step, the values have also changed. In the 'done' column, the value 1 is shown; while in the columns of 'To do' and 'Ordered' ''2'' is available. It should be noted that the column 'To do' is only liable for goods from a given document, and the column ordered is the sum of all orders of a given good for all customers from any document.

Example: Customer 1 ordered 3 telephones, partially fulfilled his order by issuing 1 piece. Customer 2 ordered two telephones without giving him any art. In the document, where we have issued one piece of the phone to the client, the number of two items will be displayed in the column (as this should be issued to the customer in the given document) and 4 items in the column - which sums up all orders from all customers.

To check the functionality of our status called 'on production', which we added in the first step of this manual, click on the 'create' option and select the Generate IGIR option from the drop-down list (Internal Receipt).

The internal receipt document (IGIR) should be supplemented in a way known to us. By using the 'Add' button and adding the product which is to be found in the document. The example uses again the same item called Samsung Galaxy S6 with the amount of one piece. Confirm its addition with the OK button.

The generation of the IGIR document resulted in a status change of the document 'on production'.

Issuing goods in the amount will allow us to close the document (the example described above of two pieces), it is necessary to open the document 'GIN with quantities zero' according to the above procedure. Then, supplementing the GIN document with a value that remained to be realized - two items.

The status of the document has been automatically changed to Sent and in addition, in the added columns we can see changes that three pieces have been realized, while 0 remains the same.

By using the 'Link' button you can display the connection visualization for the selected document. In the screenshot below, you can see two GRN documents issued in the above steps (which included issuing one piece of the phone and then two pieces) and one IGIR document in which one piece of the telephone was accepted.